Plot: Nima Denzongpa, a young bride from Sikkim, shifts to Mumbai with her husband but their arrival results in racial discrimination against her. Forty-two students, three days, one deserted Island: welcome to Battle Royale. A group of ninth-grade students from a Japanese high school have been forced by...
Plot: Korean resistance fighters smuggle explosives to destroy facilities controlled by Japanese forces in this period action thriller. Set in the late 1920s, The Age of Shadows follows the cat-and-mouse game that unfolds between a group of resistance fighters trying to bring in explosives from Shanghai to...
Plot: This short-lived soap opera centered around newlyweds Zack and Laurie James and the interactions they had with others. Specifically it was the interaction with good friends, Chris and Amy, another couple and Laurie's family.
Plot: As an actress begins to adopt the persona of her character in a film, her world becomes nightmarish and surreal. After an uncomfortable, borderline disturbing visitation by a cryptic neighbour, the fading movie star, Nikki Grace, is thrilled to hear that she has just landed herself the female lead role...
Plot: Max Payne is a neo-noir third-person shooter video game series developed by Remedy Entertainment and Rockstar Studios. The series is named after its protagonist, Max Payne, a New York City police detective turned vigilante after his family had been murdered by drug dealers. Wikipedia
Plot: Following in his father's footsteps, Luca must find the hero who wields the zenithian sword to save his mother from Ladja. Based on the fifth Dragon Quest game.
Plot: An FBI Agent seeks vengeance on a mysterious assassin known as "Rogue" who murdered his partner. After his partner Tom Lone and family are killed apparently by the infamous and elusive assassin Rogue, FBI agent John Crawford becomes obsessed with revenge as his world unravels into a vortex of guilt...
Plot: Based on Stephen King's best-selling novel of the same name, "The Outsider" begins by following an investigation which at first seems like it will be simple and straightforward but things change as it leads into the gruesome murder of a young boy by a seasoned cop. When an insidious supernatural force...
Plot: In Medieval Japan, an elderly warlord retires, handing over his empire to his three sons. However, he vastly underestimates how the new-found power will corrupt them and cause them to turn on each other...and him. Japanese warlord Hidetori Ichimonji decides the time has come to retire and divide his...