Plot: In 1306, the Knights Templar are winding down their run as one of the most powerful organizations in the Christian world. Acre, the Templars' last stronghold, has fallen and years later a rumour is heard that the lost Grail is still in that area. The Templars, led by the courageous, headstrong, but...
Plot: Lucius Vorenus and Titus Pullo, two ordinary Roman soldiers, turn into heroes after their feats in the arena. Their lives change as they witness the fall of a republic and the creation of an empire.
Plot: Ning Yi is the calculating, ambitious sixth prince of the ruling kingdom but has learned to hide his true personality behind a carefree facade after corrupt officials charge his mother with high treason. Over the course of the next decade, Ning Yi establishes a secret information network and waits for...
Plot: After escaping death, Northern Liang's princess Feng Xin Er assumes the identity of her saviour, Li Weiyoung, in order to obtain revenge against the enemies who destroyed her kingdom.
Plot: A powerful politician's daughter weds the crown prince in the Joseon Dynasty and must battle warring political factions and jealous courtiers, who are after her place in court.