Plot: This follow-up series to "Avatar: The Last Airbender" is set 70 years after the events of "Avatar" and follows Korra, the next Avatar after Aang, who is from the Southern Water Tribe. With earth, water and fire under her belt, Korra must master the art of airbending. Korra's quest leads her to Republic...
Plot: Jonathan Joestar, nicknamed JoJo, becomes involved in a battle against his stepbrother, Dio Brando, who is intent on taking control of the Joestar fortune. To do this, Dio uses the power of an ancient stone mask, which allows him to become a powerful vampire. The hybrid anime series takes pieces from...
Plot: Brothers Edward and Alphonse Elric search for the Philsopher's Stone, hoping to restore their bodies, which were lost when they attempted to use their alchemy skills to resurrect their deceased mother. Edward, who lost only limbs, joins the State Military, which gives him the freedom to continue the...
Plot: More than two years have passed since the most recent adventures in the Hidden Leaf Village, ample time for ninja wannabe Naruto Uzumaki to have developed skills worthy of recognition and respect. The hyperactive youngster has trained extensively with Jiraiya-sama and returned to Konoha to reunite w...
Plot: More than two years have passed since the most recent adventures in the Hidden Leaf Village, ample time for ninja wannabe Naruto Uzumaki to have developed skills worthy of recognition and respect. The hyperactive youngster has trained extensively with Jiraiya-sama and returned to Konoha to reunite...
Plot: This anime series features a virtual reality massively multiplayer online role-playing game, which shares its name with the show's title (abbreviated SAO), that is released in 2022. The game allows people to control their in-game characters with their minds when using a Nerve Gear helmet. One day, upon...
Plot: When man-eating Titans first appeared 100 years ago, humans found safety behind massive walls that stopped the giants in their tracks. But the safety they have had for so long is threatened when a colossal Titan smashes through the barriers, causing a flood of the giants into what had been the humans...
Plot: Psycho-Pass is a Japanese anime television series produced by Production I.G, directed by Naoyoshi Shiotani and Katsuyuki Motohiro, and written by Gen Urobuchi. Wikipedia
Plot: Break-dancing but fierce warrior Mugen has to deal with the cold-blooded and conceited Jin, a samurai who believes he is above all. These sworn enemies are brought together by Fuu for a special task.
Plot: Ichigo Kurosaki never asked for the ability to see ghosts -- he was born with the gift. When his family is attacked by a Hollow -- a malevolent lost soul -- Ichigo becomes a Soul Reaper, dedicating his life to protecting the innocent and helping the tortured spirits themselves find peace.
Plot: A college student's life becomes a nightmare after an incident at a party, which sets her off on a campaign against the toxic culture permeating her school.
Plot: Yu Yu Hakusho is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Yoshihiro Togashi. The series tells the story of Yusuke Urameshi, a teenage delinquent who is struck and killed by a car while attempting to save a child's life. Wikipedia
Plot: Nanno is a mysterious and clever girl who should be avoided when she's in the area. She transfers to different schools, and when she lands at a new institution, she exposes the lies and misdeeds of the students and faculty at every turn. The girls Nanno encounters often want to try to destroy her, but...
Plot: Student council president Satsuki Kiryuin and her underlings, dubbed the Elite Four, rule Honnouji Academy. They have the school under complete control thanks to their special outfits -- Goku Uniforms -- that give them superhuman abilities. When transfer student Ryuko Matoi, who is searching for her...
Plot: After narrowly escaping being killed in a murder rampage, Manami runs for her life; she is chased by a member of the Dracula clan and a neo-vampire.
Plot: A band of adventurers, including a human priestess, an elf archer, a dwarf shaman and a lizardman priest, follow a famous goblin hunter on a quest to destroy the hordes of aggressive goblins that threaten to ravage the land.