Plot: Based on Stephen King's best-selling novel of the same name, "The Outsider" begins by following an investigation which at first seems like it will be simple and straightforward but things change as it leads into the gruesome murder of a young boy by a seasoned cop. When an insidious supernatural force...
Plot: Ten comics try to make one another laugh in a closed room and the last contestant remaining in the room without laughing wins the grand prize. The winner gets a cash prize and bragging rights.
Plot: Translating to Duty/Shame and set in both Tokyo and London, "Giri/Haji" is a thriller about a Tokyo detective named Kenzo Mori, scouring the London underworld to find his allegedly deceased brother, Yuto. Yuto was accused of brutally murdering the nephew of a yakuza member, which could lead to the...
Plot: This anime series is set in a futuristic world following the conclusion of a massive war. During this time, many villages are terrorized by Nobuseri bandits, former samurai who integrated their living cells with machines during the war to become dangerous weapons that now appear to be more machine than...