Plot: As multiple star systems get involved in the Clone Wars, the Jedi Knights struggle to keep the peace and defeat the droid army of the Separatists. Meanwhile, an old threat slowly reveals its presence.
Plot: Free! revolves around members of a high school boy's swimming team. Four boys-Haruka, Makoto, Nagisa and Rin-all participated in a swimming tournament shortly before graduating elementary school and later parted ways. Years later, they reunite when Rin challenges Haruka to a race and wins. Nagisa decides...
Plot: Hakuno must fight to survive after awakening in a strange virtual world with no recollection of his past, embarking on the search for a mysterious object that will win him a wish and possibly answer the question of who he is.
Plot: Fourteen Heroic Spirits gather for an apocryphal Holy Grail War in the city of Fuyuki, where seven magi and their Heroic Spirits once clashed. Amid the chaos of the Second World War, a magus makes off with the Grail. Decades later, the Yggdmillennia clan -- holder of the rail -- secedes from the Mage...
Plot: Roughly 300 years after the conclusion of a great conflict known as the Calamity War, the Earth Sphere has lost its previous governing structure, and a new system of government has created a new world. Far away, seeds of a new conflict are starting to form in the Mars Sphere. When private security company...
Plot: Kodaka, a transfer student, finds it difficult to make friends. He meets Yozora, an equally lonely student who talks to an imaginary person. Together, they form a club for people with no friends.
Plot: Inspired by the popular video game series, this anime series is a dark medieval fantasy. It follows the last surviving member of the disgraced Belmont clan, Trevor Belmont, trying to save Eastern Europe from extinction at the hands of Vlad Dracula Tepes. As Dracula and his legion of vampires prepare...
Plot: Seven chosen mages and their summoned heroic spirits fight against each other to try and win the Holy Grail: a magical device that can grant any wish. War for the Holy Grail - Pursuing the power of the "Holy Grail" which grants a miracle, this is a contest in which seven mages summon seven Heroic Spirits...
Plot: Saint Seiya, also known as Saint Seiya: Knights of the Zodiac or simply Knights of the Zodiac, is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Masami Kurumada. Wikipedia
Plot: The legendary "Star Wars" saga is retold from the perspectives of R2-D2 and C-3PO in this animated series featuring the characters in their Lego forms. After the Rebel Alliance victory on Endor, an accidental kidnapping leads to a new adventure that inspires the saga's retelling in chronological order...
Plot: Young New Republic pilot Kazuda Xiono is recruited by Resistance Commander Poe Dameron for a secret mission on Colossus -- an aircraft refueling station on the ocean planet of Castilon. A misunderstanding causes Kaz to participate in a dangerous race to prove himself. Kaz struggles to maintain his cover...
Plot: Neon Genesis Evangelion is a Japanese media franchise created by Hideaki Anno and owned by Khara. Most of the franchise features an apocalyptic mecha action story, which revolves around the efforts by ... Wikipedia
Plot: When Sam and Dean join forces with an unexpected ally, the outcome alters the course of two lives; Heaven faces an attack from a dark force, driving Castiel to make an enormous sacrifice to make things right.
Plot: Brothers Edward and Alphonse Elric search for the Philsopher's Stone, hoping to restore their bodies, which were lost when they attempted to use their alchemy skills to resurrect their deceased mother. Edward, who lost only limbs, joins the State Military, which gives him the freedom to continue the...
Plot: Jonathan Joestar, nicknamed JoJo, becomes involved in a battle against his stepbrother, Dio Brando, who is intent on taking control of the Joestar fortune. To do this, Dio uses the power of an ancient stone mask, which allows him to become a powerful vampire. The hybrid anime series takes pieces from...
Plot: In the magical land of Xadia, magic comes from six primal sources: the sun, moon, stars, sky, earth and ocean. When human mages create a seventh kind of magic -- dark magic -- they start capturing and harvesting the unique magical creatures they need as ingredients, which sparks a war between Xadia...
Plot: A high school student embarks on a quest for heroes when a mysterious woman brings video game characters into the real world. Using them as pawns, the women sets out to fulfil her sinister plan.
Plot: In this reimagining of the classic Dracula story, the world is dominated by vampires, requiring humans to work together to survive. The series centers on Vanessa Helsing, daughter of famed vampire hunter Abraham Van Helsing, who wakes up after a five-year coma to discover a vampire-controlled world....
Plot: Ichigo Kurosaki never asked for the ability to see ghosts -- he was born with the gift. When his family is attacked by a Hollow -- a malevolent lost soul -- Ichigo becomes a Soul Reaper, dedicating his life to protecting the innocent and helping the tortured spirits themselves find peace.
Plot: The Rover K-series engine is a series of internal combustion engines built by Powertrain Ltd, a sister company of MG Rover. The engine was a straight-four cylinder built in two forms, SOHC and DOHC, ranging from 1.1 to 1.8 L; 67.9 to 109.6 cu in. Wikipedia
Plot: A 17-year-old boy from the last surviving city on Earth holds the key to stopping an alien invasion: a giant fighting machine that obeys his commands.
Plot: Student council president Satsuki Kiryuin and her underlings, dubbed the Elite Four, rule Honnouji Academy. They have the school under complete control thanks to their special outfits -- Goku Uniforms -- that give them superhuman abilities. When transfer student Ryuko Matoi, who is searching for her...
Plot: Kokkoku: Moment by Moment is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Seita Horio. It was serialized in Kodansha's Monthly Morning Two magazine from May 2008 to September 2015, with its chapters collected into eight tankΕbon volumes. Wikipedia
Plot: Three struggling sisters attempt to survive in a desolate world surrounded by decay and red fog. In the mysterious world, the sisters must navigate the new world around them and keep themselves safe from danger.
Plot: A group of teenagers sheltered from the dangers of the post-apocalyptic world receive a message that inspires them to leave the safety of the only home they have ever known and embark on a cross-country journey to save their father.
Plot: God Eater is a series of sci-fi action role-playing video games developed by Shift and published by Bandai Namco Entertainment, starting with the titular game released on February 4, 2010 for the PlayStation Portable. Wikipedia
Plot: Durarara!!, often shortened to DRRR!!, is a Japanese light novel series written by Ryohgo Narita, with illustrations by Suzuhito Yasuda, that has also been adapted into a Japanese anime series. Wikipedia
Plot: A girl and her robot companion search for her mother, who's lost within a vast chasm. The enormous cave system, known as the Abyss, is the only unexplored place in the world. Nobody knows how deep down goes this titanic pit, inhabited by strange and wondrous creatures and full of mysterious ancient...
Plot: A color-blind girl from a family of mages travels back in time to 2018 and attends high school with her grandmother's younger self on a quest to get in touch with her closed-off emotions.
Plot: Genius investigator Keith Flick rejoins the royal police force, RIS, just as serial killer "B" emerges and commits a double murder. Mysterious youth Koku may be an ally of the group's -- or a target. When the RIS investigates a death that appears to be linked to B, Keith disagrees with the crime being...
Plot: Thirty years after a disease that turns those infected into carnivorous insects emerges, a teenage girl and a young exterminator search for her mother.
Plot: Shiro Emiya becomes a magi and summons a mystical female warrior named Saber to battle with him. They are about to enter a contest where only one team can leave, and Shiro has second thoughts when his feelings for Saber grow.
Plot: Break-dancing but fierce warrior Mugen has to deal with the cold-blooded and conceited Jin, a samurai who believes he is above all. These sworn enemies are brought together by Fuu for a special task.