Plot: In his capacity as an overseeing editor, Kurei-san is working on a hot comic series called Million Joe. He is editing the work of Magata-san when the artist suddenly dies. This is sad both commercially and artistically. The editor believed in the manga. Kurei-san approaches another man and suggests...
Plot: Umechan Sensei is a Japanese television drama series. It debuted on April 2, 2012. It is about a girl named Umeko Shimomura who, despite being overshadowed by her talented older brother and sister, and despite being thought of as a clumsy child, decides to follow in her father's footsteps and become...
Plot: Happy Marriage!? is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Maki Enjōji. It began serialization in Shogakukan's josei magazine Petit Comic on June 14, 2009 and ran until September 23, 2012. It is completed in 10 volumes. It has been published in French by Kazé and in German by Tokyopop....