Plot: Seigi No Mikata is a Japanese television show based on the manga of the same name. It is about sisters living in Tokyo,Yoko and Makiko. Makiko is the smart,intelligent,successful government worker,admired by all,and Yoko is the modest average little sister,struggling with her grades...but in reality...
Plot: Tanaka Ainosuke was born with a weak left eye. Then one day, his older brother Yumehito dies mysteriously, allowing Ainosuke to receive a cornea transplant from him. After the surgery, whenever there is a shock to his left eye he sees strange images. Ainosuke assumes that the images might be clues to...
Plot: Biblia KoshodÅ no Jiken TechÅ is a Japanese television drama that aired on Fuji Television Monday nights at 9 pm from January 14 to March 25, 2013. It is based on a light novel series by En Mikami, which also inspired a manga in Altima Ace, later moved to Monthly Asuka. Wikipedia
Plot: Loss Time Life, also known as Loss Time Life: The Last Chance, is a 2019 South Korean television series starring Song Yuvin and Kwon Mina. It is a remake of the 2008 Japanese drama of the same name which aired on Fuji TV with Juri Ueno and RyÅ Tamura as lead actors. Wikipedia