Plot: Based on James Clavell's novel, set in the 17th century, about English navigator John Blackthorne (Richard Chamberlain) who becomes shipwrecked off the coast of Japan and is held captive by samurai warriors. A 1980 premiere.
Plot: Smoking Gun is a 2014 Japanese television series based on the manga. The live-action series was announced on January 11, 2014. It aired on Fuji Television from April 9 to June 18, 2014. It starred Shingo Katori, Mariya Nishiuchi, Honami Suzuki and ShÅsuke Tanihara. Wikipedia
Plot: Kumokiri Nizaemon is a Japanese television jidaigeki or period drama that was broadcast in prime-time in 1995. It is based on ShÅtarÅ Ikenami's novel of the same title. It stars Tsutomu Yamazaki. Wikipedia