Plot: Omakase! Miracle Cat-dan, also known as Omakase Mamitasu is a Japanese anime series produced by OLM, Inc. and Shogakukan-Shueisha Productions and aired on NHK in between the variety programs, Tensai Terebi-kun and R no HΓ soku from March 31, 2015 to February 23, 2016. Wikipedia
Plot: Alice SOS is a Japanese anime television series animated by J.C.Staff. It was broadcast every second week on NHK from April 6, 1998, until January 28, 1999. Wikipedia
Plot: ChΓ -Bakuretsu I-Jigen Menko Battle Gigant Shooter Tsukasa is a 32-episode comedy and card battle anime television series produced by Bushiroad. It is animated by Fanworks and Forest Hunting One, and ran on NHK E from April 1, 2014 to February 10, 2015. Wikipedia