Plot: A man's house burns down, killing him and leaving his wife in a coma. His friend, Katsuo, decides to take in the man's four children and take care of them in his tiny apartment. At first, the children are still traumatized by what has happened, but if anything can help them regain hope, it's Katsuo'...
Plot: Ask any nursery-aged little girl what she wants to be when she grows up and she's bound to say nurse, florist, or ballerina. Ask any nursery-aged little boy what he wants to be when he grows up and he's bound to say policeman, fireman, sports player, or pilot. As for 20-year-old young man Taiyo Suzuki...
Plot: An aspiring Alderman and his brother, undertaking a signature drive, have various encounters with residents of Chicago's 51st ward. Will they obtain enough signatures to get the young hopeful's name on the ballot?