Plot: Mahfouz Zalata returns back to Egypt after disappearing for 25 years ... his return makes the police and national security forces concerned due to his alleged connections with many infamous terrorists. His return also attracts media as he's always in the wrong place at the wrong time. Zalata's return...
Plot: The show, Women's Prison, tells the stories of three women who suffer from life's hardships. In a time where there were political, social, and economic unrest. Each of them decides to commit an unlawful crime that causes her to be sent to prison. Alongside their stories, the stories of the people around...
Plot: Naji Atallah, a former egyptian diplomat in the egyptian embassy in israel, seeks revenge against israelis as he plans to rob a bank in telaviv with a squad of youths he recruited.
Plot: A highly intelligent marine mechanical engineer named (Asfour) was able to form a large company, an import, export and maritime transport company with branches in various countries of the world, and with it social and human relations in his life. His life is characterized by the multiplicity of his...
Plot: FERAL is an audio/visual piece based on the book by, and featuring, George Monbiot and explores themes of rewilding, ecological crisis and human loss of connection with the natural world. The project is based on a collaboratively devised screenplay by Composer Hollie Harding and choreographer and director...
Plot: Vertigo Comics, also known as DC Vertigo or simply Vertigo, was an imprint of American comic book publisher DC Comics started by editor Karen Berger in 1993. Wikipedia