Plot: Rahma Halim, a flourishing university professor, thrives in a society of social and educational fame. However, secrets about her childhood and mental history lurk in the background of her glory.
Plot: Vertigo Comics, also known as DC Vertigo or simply Vertigo, was an imprint of American comic book publisher DC Comics started by editor Karen Berger in 1993. Wikipedia
Plot: The show, Women's Prison, tells the stories of three women who suffer from life's hardships. In a time where there were political, social, and economic unrest. Each of them decides to commit an unlawful crime that causes her to be sent to prison. Alongside their stories, the stories of the people around...
Plot: A university graduate is denied work because his father and brother are both connected to groups opposed to the regime. He tries to make a life for himself as the turmoil in Egypt escalates towards the revolution of January 25th.