Plot: Following a series of mysterious crimes by a serial killer named "Qabeel", who publishes the photos of his victims on social media, a detective is trying to find out the truth about these crimes, while dealing with his own mental illness and hallucinations. Following a series of mysterious crimes by...
Plot: In the 1970s, "Dalila" is suffering from oppression and injustice by her aristocratic mother because "Dalila" insists to be a famous singer. Meanwhile, our hero experiences two love stories that will her who's in her side in the path of glory and fame. In the 1970s, "Dalila" is suffering from oppression...
Plot: Bab Al-Hara is one of the most popular television series in the Arab world, watched by tens of millions of people from "poverty-stricken Gaza to the opulent cities of the Persian Gulf." Wikipedia
Plot: The love story between Fares and Soraya, who works as a singer in a nightclub, but their love is the cause of problems because those around them reject this love, especially Laila, Fares's mother.
Plot: A contemporary social drama series, "La Totfe el Shams" is based on the novel by the Egyptian writer Ehsan Abdul-Quddus. The series is a subversive take on the novel that revolves around the lives and problems of the family of the late Ibrahim Abulmagd. The family consists of the widow and mother Eqbal...
Plot: The show, Women's Prison, tells the stories of three women who suffer from life's hardships. In a time where there were political, social, and economic unrest. Each of them decides to commit an unlawful crime that causes her to be sent to prison. Alongside their stories, the stories of the people around...
Plot: This period drama, set in Spain in the early 20th century, features quick-witted youngster Julio, who arrives at a luxury hotel to meet his sister, head chambermaid Cristina. But upon discovering that she disappeared under suspicious circumstances months earlier, Julio makes it his mission to find her...
Plot: Al-Gama'a is an Egyptian television drama, Historical and Political drama series written by Wahid Hamid, directed by Mohammed Yasin and produced by Kamel Abu Ali. The series began filming in January 2010 with a budget of 50 million Egyptian pounds. Wikipedia