Plot: A love story between a broadcaster on a radio station, which originally belongs to an aristocratic family but now lives in a popular neighborhood, and a young man who joins her at the same radio station, whose mother marries a rich man who takes the family to another level and the dramatic transformations...
Plot: The End is a 2020 Egyptian Sci-fi television drama series which premiered on ON E Network. The series was written by Amr Samir Atef and produced by Synergy Productions. It is directed by Yasser Sami. It stars Youssef El Sherif, Nahed El Sebai, Sahar El Sayegh, Ahmed Wafik, Amr Abdelgelil. Wikipedia
Plot: The series revolves around a young man named (Sultan) who works as a micro-bus driver, and lives in a popular neighborhood and has a love affair with a girl in the same popular neighborhood, but she does not share his feelings and favors him a wealthy young man, then he and his cousin (Shehta) are exposed...
Plot: After 12 years of Republican control, the Democrats retake the White House. Scandals plague the Clinton Administration. After the death of Vince Foster, Clinton calls for an Independent Counsel to investigate. Complex overtones surround the mysterious kidnapping of Yassine, the nine-year-old boy who...
Plot: FERAL is an audio/visual piece based on the book by, and featuring, George Monbiot and explores themes of rewilding, ecological crisis and human loss of connection with the natural world. The project is based on a collaboratively devised screenplay by Composer Hollie Harding and choreographer and director...