Plot: 99 Years of Love ãJapanese Americansã is a five-episode Japanese-language TV miniseries produced by TBS for its 60th anniversary announced in 3â7 November 2010, starring Tsuyoshi Kusanagi and Yukie Nakama, and sponsored by Toyota and Panasonic. Wikipedia...
Plot: The drama portrays the hard struggles of a 37-year-old man who decided to quit his job as a salaryman at a food company and is now working as a medical intern at a university hospital.
Plot: SaikÅ no Jinsei no Owarikata: Ending Planner is a Japanese television drama series. It premiered on TBS on January 12, 2012. The drama revolves around the members of the Ihara family who operate a funeral parlor in Tokyo. Wikipedia
Plot: Joker: Yurusarezaru SÅsakan is a 2010 Japanese crime drama television series developed by Hideaki Tatematsu and Masaru Åta from Fuji TV and Kyodo Television respectively. Wikipedia
Plot: Daigo Hanawa is a father who is popular with the ladies. He's married to Sachiko Hanawa, a girlish mom who loves her husband unconditionally. They have four daughters and, unlike their father, all have zero luck with the opposite sex. Eldest daughter Fujiko is a single career woman who works at a fashion...