Plot: Sanju Gosai no Kôkôsei: Heads turn and jaws drop as gorgeous AYAKO suddenly appears on the first day of Kunikida High. Her fabulous clothes and stunning figure set off a firestorm of specul.
Plot: Ando-Roid, stylized as AndÅ â¡ Roid, is a Japanese television drama series which premiered on TBS on 13 October 2013. Takuya Kimura is the lead actor, and he plays dual role in this drama. The 1st episode is 69 minutes, 2nd episode is 64 minutes long. Wikipedia
Plot: Nakanai to Kimeta Hi is a Japanese television drama series premiered on Fuji TV network on 26 January 2010, starring Nana Eikura in the lead role. The 1st episode and the last episode are 69 minutes long. Wikipedia
Plot: Animal Trail, a natural path made by traffic of wild animals, can sometimes be helpful for people who are totally lost in the wilderness. One day, a woman who is exhausted with her hopeless life unexpectedly meets a gentleman by chance. Out of genuine hope to escape from her misery, she allows her destiny...