Plot: 99 Years of Love ãJapanese Americansã is a five-episode Japanese-language TV miniseries produced by TBS for its 60th anniversary announced in 3â7 November 2010, starring Tsuyoshi Kusanagi and Yukie Nakama, and sponsored by Toyota and Panasonic. Wikipedia...
Plot: The drama portrays the hard struggles of a 37-year-old man who decided to quit his job as a salaryman at a food company and is now working as a medical intern at a university hospital.
Plot: Daigo Hanawa is a father who is popular with the ladies. He's married to Sachiko Hanawa, a girlish mom who loves her husband unconditionally. They have four daughters and, unlike their father, all have zero luck with the opposite sex. Eldest daughter Fujiko is a single career woman who works at a fashion...
Plot: Nakanai to Kimeta Hi is a Japanese television drama series premiered on Fuji TV network on 26 January 2010, starring Nana Eikura in the lead role. The 1st episode and the last episode are 69 minutes long. Wikipedia
Plot: SaikÅ no Jinsei no Owarikata: Ending Planner is a Japanese television drama series. It premiered on TBS on January 12, 2012. The drama revolves around the members of the Ihara family who operate a funeral parlor in Tokyo. Wikipedia