Plot: Sakura (Mitsuki Takahata) grew up on a remote island. She has a dream, which is to build a bridge on her island. In the spring of 2009, Sakura joins a big construction company. She does not hesitate to tell her colleagues about her dream to build a bridge. Sakura's determination to accomplish her dream...
Plot: Akumu-chan is a 2012 Japanese television drama series. Based on the novel Yume Chigai by Riku Onda, this television series stars actress Keiko Kitagawa, singer Gackt, and also child actress Manatsu Kimura. A movie was announced for 2014. Wikipedia
Plot: Kami no Shizuku: Two men compete in a fateful quest to solve a mystery in this thrilling human drama about wine. The story is based on a manga series of the same title in which the comic books extended its popularity to France, the home of wine.
Plot: Renai Neet: Wasureta Koi no Hajimekata is a Japanese television drama series premiered on TBS on 20 January 2012. Yukie Nakama played the lead role. Wikipedia
Plot: Meet Kaoru Mitazono. A professional housekeeper who is the best at the field and loves to pry into dirty secrets of every household. But Mitazono has secrets, too. One of them is, obviously, that he is a cross dresser.
Plot: An enterprising young physician warms the hearts of skeptical patients on a remote Japanese island while he maintains a modest, poorly outfitted medical clinic.
Plot: GakkÅ ja Oshierarenai! is a Japanese television drama series concerning the life of ten high school students. It stars Kyoko Fukada as their teacher. It first aired on July 15, 2008. Wikipedia
Plot: Tokyo Friends is a Japanese television drama released on June 3, 2005. Unlike many other dramas, it was never aired on TV but released as a set of 3 DVDs. Volumes one and two contain the first 4 episodes while volume three contains the last episode. Each episode is approximately 70 minutes. Wikipedia...