Plot: The Japanese That The Japanese Don't Know is a manga and television series about a Japanese teacher and her students written by Takayuki Tomita and Umino Nagiko. It discusses the background of Japanese words and speech. There have been four paperback volumes as of August, 2013. Wikipedia
Plot: Kami no Shizuku: Two men compete in a fateful quest to solve a mystery in this thrilling human drama about wine. The story is based on a manga series of the same title in which the comic books extended its popularity to France, the home of wine.
Plot: Saigo no Yakusoku is a Japanese drama special starring the members of Japanese boy band Arashi in their first drama together in nearly ten years. Wikipedia
Plot: Wagaya no Rekishi is a Japanese three-part television mini-series, shown on Fuji TV from April 9, 2010 to April 11, 2010 to celebrate its 50th Anniversary. The show was known for its star-st cast. Wikipedia
Plot: Brother Beat is a Japanese television drama consisting of eleven episodes, which aired on the Tokyo Broadcasting System from October 13 to December 22, 2005. Wikipedia