Plot: Logicalists are people who have acquired special power by entering in trance with Goddesses. They work under special police named ALCA under government and protect people against foreigners coming from another world.
Plot: Cheating Craft is a Japanese/Chinese anime television series animated by BLADE and produced by Emon. It is based on Gemini Xin Luo's novel Zuobi Yishu. The anime series premiered on October 5, 2016 as a short anime and ran alongside To Be Hero. Wikipedia
Plot: Makura no Danshi, also known as Makuranodanshi, is a Japanese anime television series produced by Assez Finaud Fabric and Feel. It aired in Japan on 13 July 2015 and finished on 28 September 2015. Wikipedia
Plot: Food and travel writer Michael Booth visits Japan with his family. He relishes a huge variety of Japanese dishes and learns various interesting tips and recipes during his stay.
Plot: Student Hibiki and robot Breakin combine to become dancing superhero, Flash Beat, to collect the Dancing Stones and return Breakin to the dance world.