Plot: Nurse Witch Komugi is an original video animation anime series co-produced by Tatsunoko Productions and Kyoto Animation. The series lasted for five episodes, all of which were released on DVD in North America by ADV Films. A two-episode long sequel OVA series was created, Nurse Witch Komugi-chan Magicarte...
Plot: Ginban Kaleidoscope is a series of light novels written by Rei Kaibara and illustrated by Hiro Suzuhira. A manga adaptation authored by Jun Hasegawa was serialized in Margaret from 2005 to 2006. An anime adaptation of the first arc of the novels aired on TV Tokyo from October 8, 2005 to December 24...
Plot: Akahori Gedou Hour Rabuge! is a Japanese anime series that combined episodes of two series, Soreyuke! Gedou Otometai and Zettai Seigi Love Pheromone. It was broadcast in 13 episodes between July 5, 2005 and September 27, 2005. Wikipedia
Plot: Oh! Edo Rocket is a stage play written for the Gekidan Shinkansen theater troupe by Kazuki Nakashima. It was adapted into an anime television series in April 2007, directed by Seiji Mizushima and produced by Madhouse, Index Holdings, Universal Pictures Japan, and Hakuhodo DY Media Partners. Wikipedia...
Plot: Nijū MensŠno Musume is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by manga author Shinji Ohara. The manga was serialized in the seinen manga magazine Comic Flapper between 2003 and 2007, but continued serialization in the same magazine with the title Nijū MensŠno Musume...
Plot: Lime-Iro Senkitan is a game series developed and published by ELF Corporation. The story was adapted to a 13-episode anime that aired in Japan between January 5, 2003 and March 30, 2003. Wikipedia
Plot: Lord of Lords: RyÅ« Knight is a manga series written and illustrated by Takehiko ItÅ. It was originally published monthly in the Shueisha magazine V-Jump starting in 1993. Wikipedia
Plot: Living for the Day After Tomorrow is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by J-ta Yamada. The manga was serialized in Mag Garden's magazine Comic Blade Masamune between March 3, 2005 and June 15, 2007; five bound volumes were released in Japan. Wikipedia
Plot: Student Hibiki and robot Breakin combine to become dancing superhero, Flash Beat, to collect the Dancing Stones and return Breakin to the dance world.
Plot: Mamoru-kun ni Megami no Shukufuku o!, also known as Venus to Mamoru, is a Japanese light novel series written by Hiroki Iwata and illustrated by Toshiyuki SatÅ following Mamoru Yoshimura and his far-from-normal high school life with girlfriend Ayako Takasu, who possess magical powers called...
Plot: G-On Riders is a Japanese anime series animated by TNK and Shaft. The "G" in "G-On" stands for "Glasses". Every female character in the series wears glasses, hence the title. The character designs are intended to both parody and glorify the meganekko fetish among many anime fans. Wikipedia