Plot: Dropkick on My Devil! is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Yukiwo. The series began serialization in Flex Comix's Comic Meteor web magazine in April 2012. Fifteen volumes have been released as of June 16, 2020. Wikipedia
Plot: Cheating Craft is a Japanese/Chinese anime television series animated by BLADE and produced by Emon. It is based on Gemini Xin Luo's novel Zuobi Yishu. The anime series premiered on October 5, 2016 as a short anime and ran alongside To Be Hero. Wikipedia
Plot: Idol Memories is a Japanese idol anime television series produced by Seven Arcs Pictures and Happy Elements. It is a "hybrid anime", where the first half of the show is a typical animation and the second half is a live-action segment featuring the anime's voice actresses. Wikipedia