Plot: Young girl Mari, her best friend and her best friend's brother use a special compass to travel through history on a quest to find Mari's missing father while coming face to face with scientists who made key advancements in the study of electricity.
Plot: Ragnastrike Angels is a Japanese short anime series airing on TV consisting of 12, 30-second long episodes airing from April 3 to June 19, 2016. It is based on the video game of the same name released on December 15, 2016 in Japan for iOS, Android, PC; and ended its service on December 31, 2017. Wikipedia...
Plot: Nurse Witch Komugi is an original video animation anime series co-produced by Tatsunoko Productions and Kyoto Animation. The series lasted for five episodes, all of which were released on DVD in North America by ADV Films. A two-episode long sequel OVA series was created, Nurse Witch Komugi-chan Magicarte...
Plot: Idol Memories is a Japanese idol anime television series produced by Seven Arcs Pictures and Happy Elements. It is a "hybrid anime", where the first half of the show is a typical animation and the second half is a live-action segment featuring the anime's voice actresses. Wikipedia