Plot: Is There a Vet in the House? is a Japanese television drama series. It premiered on 3 July 2014 and is broadcast on Yomiuri TV and on Nippon TV. It's streamed on Crunchyroll in several territories since 4 July 2014. Wikipedia
Plot: Teen Court: 10-dai Saiban is a 2012 Japanese television drama series. This television series is inspired by the teen court justice system found in the United States. Teen courts allows teenagers who commit minor offenses to be tried by other teenagers, and they follow the concept of restorative justice...
Plot: Busujima Yuriko no Sekirara Nikki is a 2016 Renzoku drama, starring former AKB48 member Atsuko Maeda, starting April 20, 2016. It aired every Wednesday at 24:10 JST on Tokyo Broadcasting System. The story focuses on the scandalous daily life of Yuriko Busujima. Wikipedia