Plot: Aya must adjust to the different values and perceptions of the big city after moving to Tokyo from a small town called Akita. Faced with many difficult and challenging situations, Aya must adapt to life in the city.
Plot: Happy Marriage!? is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Maki Enjōji. It began serialization in Shogakukan's josei magazine Petit Comic on June 14, 2009 and ran until September 23, 2012. It is completed in 10 volumes. It has been published in French by Kazé and in German by Tokyopop....
Plot: A teenager has finally gotten her own apartment. The only problem is that she's sharing it with the most popular boy in school, and they have to keep it a secret.
Plot: This drama series tells the tale of Rio, a jaded rom-com screenwriter in her 30s who doesn't know what to do for her next story. In search of a new idea, she -- under the guise of providing romantic advice -- mines four lovesick women for their experiences. When she spots a common thread between what...
Plot: Atelier series is a franchise of role-playing video games developed by the Gust Corporation since 1997, primarily for the PlayStation line of consoles; portable versions for the Game Boy Color, Game Boy Advance, Nintendo DS, Nintendo 3DS, PlayStation Portable, PlayStation Vita and WonderSwan Color have...