Plot: Busujima Yuriko no Sekirara Nikki is a 2016 Renzoku drama, starring former AKB48 member Atsuko Maeda, starting April 20, 2016. It aired every Wednesday at 24:10 JST on Tokyo Broadcasting System. The story focuses on the scandalous daily life of Yuriko Busujima. Wikipedia
Plot: Samurai Sensei is a Japanese television drama based on the manga written by Esusuke Kuroe about a samurai who time-travelled 150 years to modern day Japan. The series was broadcast by TV Asahi from 13 October to 11 December 2015. Wikipedia
Plot: Spooky Romantics is a Japanese comedy television drama series broadcast on TV Tokyo. It premiered on January 9, 2015 and ended on March 28, 2015. Wikipedia