Plot: Smoking Gun is a 2014 Japanese television series based on the manga. The live-action series was announced on January 11, 2014. It aired on Fuji Television from April 9 to June 18, 2014. It starred Shingo Katori, Mariya Nishiuchi, Honami Suzuki and ShÅsuke Tanihara. Wikipedia
Plot: Set in the year 2199, "Pandora" is a science fiction action series about a resourceful young woman who has lost everything but finds a new life at Earth's Space Training Academy, where she and her friends learn and train to defend the galaxy from threats, both alien and human. During their adventures...
Plot: Haru and Riichiro marry 18 months after they meet, but divorce barely two years later; despite everything, it seems impossible for them to separate.
Plot: Mutsu: Mieru Me is a 2015 Fuji TV Japanese television drama, starring Hidetoshi Nishijima and Hideaki ItÅ in the lead roles. It started airing from 7 October 2015 and the end of airing has not been confirmed. Wikipedia