Plot: My Dangerous Wife is a 2020 South Korean television series starring Kim Jung-eun, and Choi Won-young. It was premiered on MBN on October 5, 2020. It is the Korean adaptation of the 2016 Japanese television series Boku no Yabai Tsuma. Wikipedia
Plot: Shikaku Tantei Higurashi Tabito: Tabito has lost four out of his five senses--sound, smell, taste, and touch. The only sense he has is sight, which he relies on for his job as a detective who has to investigate and find various missing objects.
Plot: Sexy Voice and Robo is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Iou Kuroda. It was originally serialized in the seinen manga magazine Spirits ZÅkan Ikki between November 2000 and December 2002, with its chapters compiled in two tankÅbon volumes. Sexy Voice and Robo is currently...
Plot: Mother is a video game series that consists of three role-playing video games: Mother for the Famicom, Mother 2, known as EarthBound outside Japan, for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System, and Mother 3 for the Game Boy Advance. Wikipedia
Plot: 37.5°C no Namida is a Japanese shÅjo manga series written and illustrated by Chika Shiina. Published by Shogakukan, it was serialized on Cheese! magazine, with three volumes compiling the chapters released so far. A Japanese television drama series adaptation aired on TBS from July 9, 2015...