Plot: Under the rule of Shogun Ienari, the samurais and the townspeople are all discontented and grumbling about their lot in life. Amidst all these, there lives a man by the name of Jirokichi, popularly known as Nezumi Kozo. Jirokichi runs a bar with the help of his sister, Kosode. Unbeknownst to everyone...
Plot: Momikeshite Fuyu: Three elite siblings-a doctor (eldest son), a lawyer (only daughter), and a cop (youngest son)-go all out to solve a problem that's destroying their family's peace.
Plot: Hope: Kitai Zero no Shinnyu Shain is a Japanese television drama series based on the South Korean manhwa Misaeng and TV series Misaeng. The drama premiered on Fuji Television on July 17, 2016. Wikipedia