Plot: Nazotoki wa Dinner no Ato de is a Japanese television drama series based on the mystery novel of the same name by Japanese author Tokuya Higashigawa. It premiered on Fuji TV on October 18, 2011. This drama series was subsequently followed two-hour long special episode, then a film sequel. Wikipedia
Plot: Seven gas station workers regularly play the lottery and dream of making it big when luck finally smiles on them. But when they actually strike it rich, old problems are solved and new ones arise.
Plot: Legal High is a 2019 South Korean television series starring Jin Goo, Seo Eun-soo and Yoon Park. It is a remake of the award-winning 2012 Japanese TV series of the same title. It aired on JTBC from February 8 to March 30, 2019. Wikipedia
Plot: When some ordinary people inexplicably develop superhuman abilities, they use their powers to prevent catastrophes and save humanity from destruction.
Plot: Joker: Yurusarezaru SÅsakan is a 2010 Japanese crime drama television series developed by Hideaki Tatematsu and Masaru Åta from Fuji TV and Kyodo Television respectively. Wikipedia
Plot: Life had been fairly routine for a Tokyo businessman until one day his wife suddenly announces that she has grown tired of life as a housewife and mother, and leaves him and their young son. Soon afterwards, he loses his job and, at his wits' end and unable to pay the rent, must ask an ex-girlfriend...