Plot: TaiyÅ ni Hoero!, literally Roar at the Sun, was a long-running prime-time television detective series in Japan, which ran from 1972 to 1986 for a total of 718 episodes. The lead star was Yujiro Ishihara. Wikipedia
Plot: "From the North" with warmth loving strokes, describing the love of family, love of humanity. Because his wife was having an affair and divorce blackboard Goro, with a son and daughter from Tokyo came idyllic life Furano, Hokkaido. They describe delicate film in the north of Furano of rural life and...
Plot: Katsu Kaishū is a 1974 Japanese television series. It is the 12th NHK taiga drama.Tetsuya Watari was forced to step down from the role of Katsu Kaishū because of his illness so he appeared only first 9 episodes. Wikipedia