Plot: Under the rule of Shogun Ienari, the samurais and the townspeople are all discontented and grumbling about their lot in life. Amidst all these, there lives a man by the name of Jirokichi, popularly known as Nezumi Kozo. Jirokichi runs a bar with the help of his sister, Kosode. Unbeknownst to everyone...
Plot: Fight Girls is the story of 3 female fighters who travel to Thailand to fight for the World Championship against the toughest Muay Thai fighters in the world.
Plot: "Kasa wo Motanai Aritachi wa" is a 2016 Japanese short drama series consisting of four, twenty five minute episodes directed by [[Keita Kono]]. It was released in Japan by the Fuji TV weekly from January 9 to January 30. The series is based on the collection of short stories, of the same title, by...
Plot: Kyoko Nakane (Machiko Ono), born in a wealthy family, and arranged to marry Soseki Natsume (Hiroki Hasegawa) at the age of 19. Their newly-married life begins at Kumamoto where Soseki serves as a high school teacher.