Plot: Daitokai was a popular prime-time television detective series in Japan, which ran from 1976 to 1979 for a total of 132 episodes and three seasons, each with its own story arc. The lead star was Tetsuya Watari. The drama won popularity and was followed by Seibu Keisatsu. Wikipedia
Plot: Abunai Deka, often shortened to AbuDeka, is a Japanese television drama aired by Nippon Television between 1986 and 1987. Starring Hiroshi Tachi and Kyohei Shibata, the series became very popular and spawned films, spin-offs series, and books. Wikipedia
Plot: G-Men '75 was a long-running prime-time popular television detective series in Japan. It aired on Saturday nights in the 9:00â9:54 p.m. time slot on the Tokyo Broadcasting System network from May 24, 1975 to April 3, 1982. A sequel, G-Men '82, followed, as did the specials. Wikipedia...
Plot: Tantei Monogatari, or Detective Story, is an action Japanese TV series starring YÅ«saku Matsuda that was originally broadcast on Nippon TV in 27 forty-five-minute episodes from September 18, 1979 to April 1, 1980. Wikipedia
Plot: Oretachi wa Tenshi da! is an action and comedy Japanese TV series starring Masaya Oki which was originally broadcast on Nippon TV in 1979. The show won great popularity in its time. It is noted for the ad-libbing and jokes by the cast and staff. Wikipedia
Plot: Key Hunter is a prime-time Japanese television detective series. It aired on Saturday nights in the 9:00â9:56 p.m. time slot on the Tokyo Broadcasting System network from April 6, 1968 to April 7, 1973. There were a total of 262 episodes, and it was one of the most popular action dramas...
Plot: Daitsuiseki was a Japanese comedy-action police TV series. It starred regulars YÅ«zÅ Kayama, Masaya Oki, Tatsuya Fuji, Naomi Hase, and Kyohei Shibata, with Fumio Watanabe as a semi-regular. It ran for twenty-six episodes in 1978 and won popularity. Wikipedia
Plot: Mito KÅmon is a Japanese jidaigeki or period drama that was on prime-time television from 1969 to 2011 making it the longest-running jidaigeki in Japanese television history. The title character is the historic Tokugawa Mitsukuni, former vice-shÅgun and retired second daimyÅ...
Plot: Kinpachi-sensei is a Japanese television drama. The official English title is Mr. Kinpachi in Class 3B. Kinpachi-sensei tells the story of a third-year junior high school class in Japan; its teacher is Kinpachi Sakamoto, played by Tetsuya Takeda. Wikipedia
Plot: Bayside Shakedown is a Japanese police comedy-drama television series originally broadcast by the Fuji Television group in 1997. The series was developed by Ryoichi Kimizuka and stars YÅ«ji Oda, ToshirÅ Yanagiba, Eri Fukatsu, Chosuke Ikariya, Miki Mizuno, and YÅ«suke Santamaria. Wikipedia...
Plot: The Unfettered Shogun is a Japanese television program on the TV Asahi network. Set in the eighteenth century, it showed fictitious events in the life of Yoshimune, the eighth Tokugawa shÅgun. Wikipedia