Plot: Scotty Cobb, Sean Koehler and John Klam invite viewers to ride with them as the hosts of this weekly show that guides newcomers and seasoned pros through the performance horse industry. The show covers a number of disciplines, including steer-wrestling, goat-tying, barrel-racing and team roping. In...
Plot: Tyler Magnus, a member of the Texas Cowboy Hall of Fame, is considered one of the top horsemen in the world. In addition to having experience roping and riding horses, Magnus is also skilled at teaching horsemanship and roping to beginners and professionals alike. With this show, he is able to bring...
Plot: Country music singer/songwriter and Canadian native Jason McCoy travels south to the U.S.A. Traveling from state to state, McCoy explores a locations history, traditions, culture and of course, the local cuisine. Meeting the people of each location, McCoy gets a personal tour while enjoying the town...
Plot: While they may not have the most politically correct name, the All American Cowgirl Chicks are helping to entertain fans on the rodeo circuit. The ladies travel around America to perform their fast-paced drills, daring tricks and fancy riding for crowds at rodeos and other events, including the Tournament...
Plot: Red Steagall is known for many occupations, including being a singer, songwriter and TV host. In this series, the cowboy and his horse set off to explore the people, places and stories of the American West, with a focus on horses and ranches. Steagall also visits museums that present images of the...
Plot: A decade after Precrime is terminated, Dash, a former PreCog, uses his precognition to help Detective Lara Vega in preventing crimes. At the same time, he has to be careful of forces hunting him down.