Plot: Traveling the rodeo circuit for a living is as tough as the cowgirls featured in this reality series. It follows five female barrel racers as they pack up their lives and their horses to test their skills at rodeos across the country. The ladies may be made up of equal parts rhinestones and blue jeans...
Plot: "Western Sports Weekly" presents the latest news from the rodeo industry as well as interviews, standings and recaps of recent events from Professional Bull Riding (PBR) and Professional Rodeo Cowboys Association. In addition, the series features special broadcasts of Western events, some of which...
Plot: Scotty Cobb, Sean Koehler and John Klam invite viewers to ride with them as the hosts of this weekly show that guides newcomers and seasoned pros through the performance horse industry. The show covers a number of disciplines, including steer-wrestling, goat-tying, barrel-racing and team roping. In...
Plot: This non-fiction series provides an inside look into the world's oldest youth rodeo association, chronicling the stories of contestants, families, and rodeo personal inside and outside the arena. This non-fiction western series provides an inside look into the world's oldest youth rodeo association...
Plot: "Survivor" creator Mark Burnett takes the reins of this reality competition series as it moves to Spike for its third season, adding personal back stories to the pure action segments, as 12 cowboys show their grit competing for the title of "Toughest Cowboy," as well as a deed to their own Rocky Mountain...
Plot: Cord McCoy is a former professional bull rider who has traveled around the world as a contestant on two seasons of "The Amazing Race." He combines his interest in rodeo and traveling in this series that gives viewers a look into what life is like for modern ranch cowboys and the Western way of life...
Plot: This sprawling family saga takes place where an unfortunate tragedy has glued a family together to pull them through life's thick and thin moments. Follow young Amy Fleming as she slowly discovers she possesses her now-deceased mother's ability to aid injured horses as well as maintaining good relationships...