Plot: This magazine-style program, which premiered in 1975, focuses on news in the agriculture and agribusiness industries. Currently hosted by John Phipps, the show frequently covers topics that include market forecasts for agricultural commodities, weather forecasts, profiles of agricultural businesses...
Plot: "Western Sports Weekly" presents the latest news from the rodeo industry as well as interviews, standings and recaps of recent events from Professional Bull Riding (PBR) and Professional Rodeo Cowboys Association. In addition, the series features special broadcasts of Western events, some of which...
Plot: "Rural America Live" -- formerly titled "RFD-TV Live" -- is the longest-running show produced by RFD-TV. The hourlong program gives viewers the chance to interact with each week's panel of experts in an interactive call-in format, allowing them to learn about matters of interest to rural America, including...
Plot: Cord McCoy is a former professional bull rider who has traveled around the world as a contestant on two seasons of "The Amazing Race." He combines his interest in rodeo and traveling in this series that gives viewers a look into what life is like for modern ranch cowboys and the Western way of life...
Plot: "Larry's Country Diner" is a down-home variety show, set in one of the most homey places in America: a Southern eatery . The weekly series integrates entertainment, interviews and music into the diner settings with a crew of regular characters that includes radio DJs, church lady Nadine, waitress Renae...