Plot: My Father's Son is a 1988 Hong Kong modern comedy television drama created and produced by TVB, starring Ha Yu, Lau Dan, Angelina Lo, Stephen Chow, Sandra Ng, Dickson Lee, Bonnie Law and Cutie Mui as the main cast, produced by Catherina Tsang. Wikipedia
Plot: Master Ma is a two-season 1998 Hong Kong-Taiwanese television series produced by the television stations ATV and CTV. It is loosely based on the life of Ma Yongzhen, a Hui Chinese martial artist who lived in the late Qing dynasty. The series was directed by Fan Sau-ming and starred Kenny Ho as the...
Plot: Fei Fu Kwan Ying, also known by its alternative title Flying Squads, is a 1989 Hong Kong action crime thriller television series produced by TVB and starring Donnie Yen, Pauline Yeung and Eddie Kwan. Wikipedia