Plot: This computer-animated series follows the adventures of Po, the energetic Dragon Warrior panda first introduced in the popular "Kung Fu Panda" feature film. Po, aided by mentor Shifu and the Furious Five -- Tigress, Mantis, Crane, Monkey and Viper -- now lives at the Jade Palace with the rest of the...
Plot: This incarnation of the popular cartoon series finds Scooby and the gang living in Crystal Cove, a small town with a long history of ghost sightings, monster tales and other mysteries ripe for the sleuths to solve once and for all. But the longstanding Crystal Cove residents, who bank on the town's...
Plot: A rookery of penguins with attitude -- leader Skipper, brainy Kowalski, loony Rico and young Private -- in Central Park Zoo embarks on what it sees as a series of strike-force missions until confronting an unwelcome challenge to its dominance from a new zoo resident: Julien, King of the Lemurs, in a...
Plot: No, this animated series is not about anthropomorphic chewing gum, it's about a young cat named Gumball Watterson. Gumball has a penchant for getting into trouble, often resulting from schemes he comes up with, but he never seems to learn his lesson. Gumball's best friend is a fish named Darwin, who...
Plot: Scrooge McDuck and his three nephews, Huey, Dewey, and Louie, are always in the midst of something adventurous, be it in the depth of the sea, outer space or the heart of the jungle.
Plot: The continuing adventures of a quartet of turtle superheroes. The lean, mean, green fighting machines are back in an all-new action-packed series! Leonardo, Raphael, Michaelangelo and Donatello must save New York City from the evil crimelord Shredder and his assistant, Baxter Stockman. The turtles must...
Plot: Sheriff Mao Mao, a daring cat, goes on exciting adventures with his sidekick Badgerclops and a new friend Adorabat as they protect the citizens of Pure Heart Valley from evil.
Plot: This 1968 Hanna-Barbera cartoon series remains a favorite of viewers due to its large ensemble of assorted competitors and the uniquely designed vehicles that matched their personalities. Each episode would find these 11 colorful race cars (some driven solo, others manned in teams) zipping through two...
Plot: Brainiac Velma, jock Fred, fashionista Daphne, hippie Shaggy, and Shaggy's highstrung, talking Great Dane, Scooby-Doo, climb into their green van, the Mystery Machine, and hit the road in search of weird phenomena to solve. And even when Scooby and the gang aren't actively searching for them, mysteries...
Plot: Mickey, Minnie, Pluto, Goofy, Daisy, Donald and many other clubhouse friends go on educational adventures and impart important lessons in a fun way.
Plot: When the evil shape-shifting wizard Aku sends the young samurai Jack into a dystopian future, he must find a portal back to his own time to undo Aku's destruction and defeat him.
Plot: This 1968 Hanna-Barbera cartoon series remains a favorite of viewers due to its large ensemble of assorted competitors and the uniquely designed vehicles that matched their personalities. Each episode would find these 11 colorful race cars (some driven solo, others manned in teams) zipping through two...
Plot: Actor Seth Green ("Family Guy") and Matthew Senreich created the off-the-wall comedy hit, which is a series of pop-culture parodies using stop-motion animation of toys, action figures and dolls. The title character was an ordinary chicken until he was run down by a car and subsequently brought back...
Plot: Tabaluga is an animated television series produced by Flying Bark Productions, based on the character of the same name created by Peter Maffay. In this series, Tabaluga is the last of the dragons and the crown-prince of Greenland, a magical place inhabited by talking animals of many different species...
Plot: Six brave fourth-graders at Third Street School make it their mission to protect the other kids on the playground. Despite the rule of King Bob and his minions, who enforce his unwritten laws, T.J, Ashley, Vince, Gus, Gretchen and Mikey seek a rational balance between conformity and individuality.
Plot: A blue jay named Mordecai and a raccoon named Rigby work as groundskeepers at a local park and get into surreal misadventures whenever they attempt to slack off.