Plot: Enjoy Yourself Tonight or EYT is a popular variety show in British Hong Kong. It first aired on TVB Jade on 20 November 1967. The show lasted 27 years with its last broadcast on Friday, 7 October 1994. Wikipedia
Plot: Tung Wah Charity Show is a long-running charity television show raising funds for Tung Wah Group of Hospitals in Hong Kong which started in 1979. It is organised by Television Broadcasts Limited annually on a Saturday or Sunday in December. Wikipedia
Plot: 430 Space Shuttle is a children's show shown on TVB Jade in Hong Kong that aired from 1 February, 1982 until its final episode on 8 August, 1989. The name represents the show's starting time - 4:30pm. Wikipedia
Plot: A Handful Of Love is a TVB drama starring Joe Ma and Jessica Hsuan, this drama talks about an uncle taking care of his nephews/nieces because his sister and brother in law died. But the kids don't know that their parents are dead. Wikipedia