Plot: Akane Kawasaki, a young interior designer, decides to share her big apartment with a roommate to split the rent. The new roommate turns out to be Sota Mishima, a bilingual tour guide who is a bit of a playboy. Despite her reservations, her attitude towards him changes as she is invited into his circle...
Plot: Can a coward commit suicide? Meet Kita Yoshio, a very unlucky man who has chosen his close friend's death anniversary as his suicide date, which is 11 days away. The number 11 has been quite significant throughout his life: he was born on November 11th; his roll call number at school was #11; and 11...
Plot: Six agriculture students travel north to Hokkaido for first-hand training and experience in a farm setting. The story focuses not only on their daily life and their growth as young men and women, but also on the economic situation in the region, which received national attention earlier this year when...
Plot: The drama portrays the hard struggles of a 37-year-old man who decided to quit his job as a salaryman at a food company and is now working as a medical intern at a university hospital.
Plot: General Rouge no Gaisen is a 12-episode Japanese medical drama television series broadcast in 2010, a sequel to the series Team Batista no EikÅ. Atsushi ItÅ and TÅru Nakamura reprised their lead roles. Wikipedia