Plot: Heaven's Flower The Legend of Arcana is a Japanese television drama series that aired on TBS from 14 January to 4 March 2011. The theme song of the series is Anomii by amazarashi. Wikipedia
Plot: General Rouge no Gaisen is a 12-episode Japanese medical drama television series broadcast in 2010, a sequel to the series Team Batista no EikÅ. Atsushi ItÅ and TÅru Nakamura reprised their lead roles. Wikipedia
Plot: KaitÅ Royale is a Japanese television drama series based on a video game from DeNA. It premiered on TBS on 28 October 2011. The theme song of the series is Lock On by Yui. Wikipedia
Plot: Yowakutemo Katemasu: Aoshi Sensei to Heppoko KÅkÅ KyÅ«ji no YabÅ is a Japanese television drama series based on the non-fiction novel by Hidemine Takahashi. Kazunari Ninomiya, who is a member of the Japanese idol group Arashi, played the lead role. Wikipedia
Plot: Shikaku Tantei Higurashi Tabito: Tabito has lost four out of his five senses--sound, smell, taste, and touch. The only sense he has is sight, which he relies on for his job as a detective who has to investigate and find various missing objects.