Plot: Is There a Vet in the House? is a Japanese television drama series. It premiered on 3 July 2014 and is broadcast on Yomiuri TV and on Nippon TV. It's streamed on Crunchyroll in several territories since 4 July 2014. Wikipedia
Plot: Akira Suzuki is the home room teacher for 2-A. After graduating from college Akira did not work for 3 years. Instead, he spent his time thinking about ways to solve problems once he works as a teacher. Because of this, Akira has a knack to solve problems and the principle trusts him. Mr. Suzuki always...
Plot: Ikkyū-san is a Japanese historical comedy anime series produced by Toei Animation, based on the recorded early life of Zen Buddhist monk Ikkyū during his stay at Ankoku-ji Temple. Wikipedia