Plot: Rock Profile is a British television comedy show written by and starring comedy partnership Matt Lucas and David Walliams, both later widely known for the sketch show Little Britain. Rock Profile first appeared on the channel UK Play in 1999, directed by Michael Cumming, before moving to BBC Two in...
Plot: Kinderen geen bezwaar is a Dutch sitcom, developed by the VARA and written by Haye van der Heyden. The first episode aired on Nederland 1 on September 25, 2004, replacing the popular series Oppassen!!!. After the ninth season, which was scheduled to air in January 2013, the series was not renewed....
Plot: De Jongens tegen de Meisjes is a Dutch game show broadcast by RTL 4. The show first aired in 2011. The show features a male and a female team participating in various games and quizzes about the differences between men and women. Wikipedia
Plot: Telekids is a Dutch children's television programme showing on the RTL 4 channel from 1989 to 1999. The show was initially hosted by Irene Moors. Later, Carlo Boszhard joined the presenting team. Wikipedia
Plot: British comedy stars David Walliams and Matt Lucas transplant some of their most popular "Little Britain" characters -- including Fat Fighter Marjorie Dawes, unconvincing transvestite Emily Howard, teenage delinquent Vicki Pollard, amorous prime minister Sebastian Love (who was the aide to the prime...
Plot: A mockumentary, that follows the bustle of a fictional airport and three fictional airlines. Joviality arises when the airline, airport staff and passengers snag each other in their own way.