Plot: Zie Ze Vliegen is a Dutch mockumentary television comedy series, based entirely on British mockumentary Come Fly With Me - with the script and characters almost exactly the same. The series stars Carlo Boszhard, Irene Moors, Chantal Janzen and Gordon Heuckeroth. The series was narrated by Vivian Boelen...
Plot: In this Dutch-Belgian co-production, attractive Dutch and Flemish (i.e. Dutch-speaking Belgian) youngsters have what they consider a dream job, virtually a paid holiday: they are 'proppers', which means a nightclub on the Spanish coast (hence the title) pays them to lure other young tourists by their...
Plot: Goudkust is a Dutch televisies series, which was broadcast by SBS 6. When SBS 6 was not happy about the results of the series, it sold the series to FOX 8. When FOX in 2001 sold FOX 8 to SBS Broadcasting the series was aired on NET 5, where the series stopped, something that SBS 6 did two years earlier...