Plot: Zie Ze Vliegen is a Dutch mockumentary television comedy series, based entirely on British mockumentary Come Fly With Me - with the script and characters almost exactly the same. The series stars Carlo Boszhard, Irene Moors, Chantal Janzen and Gordon Heuckeroth. The series was narrated by Vivian Boelen...
Plot: De Jongens tegen de Meisjes is a Dutch game show broadcast by RTL 4. The show first aired in 2011. The show features a male and a female team participating in various games and quizzes about the differences between men and women. Wikipedia
Plot: Kinderen geen bezwaar is a Dutch sitcom, developed by the VARA and written by Haye van der Heyden. The first episode aired on Nederland 1 on September 25, 2004, replacing the popular series Oppassen!!!. After the ninth season, which was scheduled to air in January 2013, the series was not renewed....
Plot: De Lama's is a Dutch television show made by BNN and first aired on 26 June 2004. It is an adaptation of the Channel 4 show Whose Line is it Anyway?. Patrick Lodiers hosts the show, which contains both well-known and more obscure elements of theatresports. The most important of these is improvisation...
Plot: Kunt u mij de weg naar Hamelen vertellen, mijnheer? is a Dutch children's television series from the 1970s. It was broadcast by KRO and became an instant success. Wikipedia
Plot: RTL Boulevard is a daily television programme on the Dutch broadcasting station RTL 4. It was set up as a television equivalent of a tabloid, with a lot of airy subjects, news items and gossip about the stars, fashion and criminality. The programme is renowned for its sarcastic and cynical tone. Wikipedia...
Plot: De Wereld Draait Door also known by the acronym DWDD was an early-evening talk show on Dutch television, broadcast every weekday at 7:00 p.m. on NPO 1. Wikipedia