Plot: Three Japanese pilgrims arrive in India. Miss Naruse is looking for Otsu, a Catholic priest, her lover ten years before; after time in France and Israel, he has come to Benares where he carries the bodies of the poor to the crematorium. Her life is empty and, although Otsu was her lover only as a joke...
Plot: Wahlgrens värld is a Swedish reality series following the daily lives of actress and singer Pernilla Wahlgren and her daughter, Bianca Ingrosso, alongside their other family members. The show was first broadcast on 6 October 2016, and has so far been broadcast for seven seasons on Kanal 5. Wikipedia...
Plot: Uutiset is a news programme from Sveriges Television. It is broadcast on SVT2 during 17:45 to 17:55 in Finnish. However, just like most foreign-language programmes aired on Swedish television, the show is subtitled in Swedish, but when an interviewee responds in Swedish the response is subtitled into...
Plot: Trash or Treasure, later known as Treasure Hunt, is an early American TV series which aired on the DuMont Television Network Thursdays at 9pm ET from October 1, 1952, to September 27, 1953. The show was hosted by Sigmund Rothschild and Nelson Case. Wikipedia