Plot: Occult documentary reality-series in which a team of mediums help families that experience paranormal phenomena in their homes. People from all over Sweden write in to "Det Okända" when they feel that they have been visited by spirits from beyond the veil. Sometimes they are frightened, sometimes they...
Plot: Wahlgrens värld is a Swedish reality series following the daily lives of actress and singer Pernilla Wahlgren and her daughter, Bianca Ingrosso, alongside their other family members. The show was first broadcast on 6 October 2016, and has so far been broadcast for seven seasons on Kanal 5. Wikipedia...
Plot: Sverige idag is a news program broadcast by Sveriges Television since 2011. It covers current affairs from all over the country by using a compilation of reports from the regional news programs of SVT. It is a sister programme to Landet runt, which is broadcast from Gothenburg on SVT1 on Sunday evening...
Plot: Uutiset is a news programme from Sveriges Television. It is broadcast on SVT2 during 17:45 to 17:55 in Finnish. However, just like most foreign-language programmes aired on Swedish television, the show is subtitled in Swedish, but when an interviewee responds in Swedish the response is subtitled into...