Plot: Wahlgrens värld is a Swedish reality series following the daily lives of actress and singer Pernilla Wahlgren and her daughter, Bianca Ingrosso, alongside their other family members. The show was first broadcast on 6 October 2016, and has so far been broadcast for seven seasons on Kanal 5. Wikipedia...
Plot: Jens and Åsa plan to take over Åsa's parents' summer cottage in the archipelago. The takeover does not go as they had thought when Åsa's parents also intend to live there.
Plot: Law firm Heder represents women who have been victims of violent or sexual crimes. However, Heder's female attorneys hold secrets of their own that threaten the future of both themselves and the company.
Plot: Ex on the Beach Sweden started airing on Kanal 11 on 6 April 2015 and is the Swedish version of the British show Ex on the Beach. Season two started airing on Kanal 5 on 28 March 2016. Wikipedia
Plot: An isolated island community experiences miraculous events - and frightening omens - after the arrival of a charismatic, mysterious young priest.