Plot: The story of Karaoglan, who lived in Central Asia with his father Baybora in the 1200s, fought alongside the poor and whose legend has survived to the present day.
Plot: Yemin is a Turkish drama series produced by Kanal 7. The leading roles are played by Ãzge YaÄız and Gökberk Demirci. However Ãzge YaÄız left after season 2 therefore replaced by Cansu Tuman for season 3. Ayhan Ãzen was the director of Yemin series...
Plot: After her death, Ruhsar returns as a ghost to be with his husband Mazhar, but she must use her magical abilities to protect their happiness from Mazhar's mother, who is unaware of Ruhsar's presence, makes her best to remarry his son with another woman. After her death, Ruhsar returns as a ghost to be...
Plot: Kara Melek is a TV series that was broadcast on Star TV and ran from 1997 to 2000. It was about a sly, clever and pretty woman called Yasemin as she tricked and schemed against her victims, and her innocent best friend Åule who lives a complicated and hard life. Wikipedia