Plot: Sarah Bennett's parents were murdered by a killer known as "The Executioner" 30 years ago. Now, she returns to the quiet community of Waterbury, where the killings occurred, to start over with her husband Dylan, but upon arriving they discover that things haven't changed much. Sarah quickly finds herself...
Plot: Created and co-executive produced by Robert Kirkman ("The Walking Dead"), the drama series "Outcast" stars Patrick Fugit ("Gone Girl") as Kyle Barnes, a man who has been possessed by demons since he was young. His search for answers -- and redemption -- leads him into a relationship with Reverend Anderson...
Plot: An American family's Australian vacation takes a tragic turn when sadistic serial killer Mick Taylor targets the tourists. College student Eve is the lone survivor after Taylor attacks the family in the Outback. Determined to avenge the deaths of her parents and younger brother, Eve sets out to hunt...
Plot: Children's TV is usually wholesome entertainment that can be enjoyed by the whole family, but child psychologist Mike Painter thinks there's one show in particular -- "Candle Cove" -- that might not have been so innocent. No one seems to remember the 1980s show except for Mike, and he has ever-growing...
Plot: The Exorcist is an American horror film series consisting of five films based on the 1971 novel The Exorcist by William Peter Blatty. The films have been distributed by Warner Bros. Pictures and 20th Century Fox. The films have grossed over $661 million at the worldwide box office. Wikipedia
Plot: Following two strangers who intervene in a deadly carjacking only to be swept up in a roller coaster chase across Australia in a car full of money. The strangers must rely solely on each other while they are on the run.
Plot: MTV teams with super-producers Bob and Harvey Weinstein on a TV series adaptation of the hit horror film franchise. Instigated by a cyberbullying incident that goes viral, a brutal murder in Lakewood stirs memories of a crime spree from the town's past that has haunted some, intrigued others and maybe...
Plot: Detectives Tori and Nick investigate a murder case after a young gay man is found brutally murdered near Bondi Beach. The detectives uncover some horrific truths in the process.
Plot: An ensemble cast led by Scottish actor Iain Glen ("Game of Thrones") and Golden Globe nominee Frances O'Connor ("The Missing") star in a futuristic drama with roots in Aboriginal mythology. Creatures known as Hairypeople, endowed with incredible strength, speed and longevity, seek refuge among humans...